Kofi Annan spoke pointedly against the policies of the Bush administration today. Already many of our countrymen are railing against the outgoing Secretary General and renewing calls to expel the UN from New York City. No-Child-Left-Behind is supposed to make us smarter, but I guess it hasn't kicked in yet.
Regardless of whether I like or dislike the messenger does not detract from the truth in Annan's remarks.
Sec. Annan, given a platform, made a speech that upsets some in our country. Some of us have invested too much of our identity in this president. When someone lays out the truth that our idol has feet of clay it hurts very personally, deeply. If faults can be found in the critic we jump all over that, in this case by launching personal attacks against Annan.
Is it ever dangerous to disregard the harsh words of one we don't like?
I am not equating Annan to the
Perhaps Annan is guilty of mistakes of judgment, greed, or outright theft. I don't know.
I do know that the charges he leveled against our current administration are valid. To the extent that we continue to embrace the president and his policies his crimes are also ours.
If we heed not criticism because we don't like the source, we are doomed.